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Cancer and CrossFit - Episode 2

Krystal: Hey guys, welcome to our podcast cancer and CrossFit with your hosts, Krystal and Rich.

Rich: Okay. Welcome back everybody to episode two, Cancer and CrossFit. There was a lot of really positive feedback to episode one. So we’d like to thank everybody for their kind words and their taking time to reach out to us and say what they enjoyed about the first episode. And we’re back for episode two. So just to recap from episode one, we did an introduction, Krystal and I, about who we were and our stories.

We touched on a little bit of what we hope to cover in the coming episodes. One of the things we finished off with, we spoke about Krystal’s bucket list item for her that at the time it hadn’t happened yet. There was a party being planned for the weekend before she left and she was very excited to go.

And that’s where we left off. So this episode we’re going to talk all about what happened next. So I’m going to let Krystal kick off. This, this should be interesting. I’m looking forward to this episode.

Krystal: Hey guys. Again, as Rich said, thanks so much for tuning in. And all the positive feedback we’ve had.

The last episode we talked about me going off to the CrossFit Games. So July 29th, Rich and I had our birthdays. I hosted a CrossFit party at my house. Well, not a CrossFit party, but our party was pretty much mostly CrossFit people from our box. So it was awesome to have them around to eat and drink.

And if you think all CrossFit people are healthy eaters and don’t drink alcohol. I’m here to remind you that they too are normal people who can definitely have some fun. Party was a blast and it was really good that Rich came around to celebrate as well, and he was acknowledged for his birthday. Yeah.

Very thankful to the, to the great box that we have and great friends. So we really had a great time having a double celebration.

Rich: Yeah, I got a free party. I was happy.

Krystal: Yeah, free party.

Rich: All the fun without any of the work.

Krystal: Yeah, absolutely. No clean up, no organisation.

Rich: Yes, it was certainly an evening, that’s for sure.

There was people letting their hair down, which was great to see.

Yes, yes.

Krystal: I believe there’s video footage of a few people doing a bit of a song and dance show. But anyway, what happens is the party stays at the party. So yeah, most people left after midnight, did a quick tidy up, off to bed about 1am, ready to jet set off to the CrossFit Games the next day.

So, Sunday , July 30th. will probably be a date that I will forever have and be ingrained in my mind because this was the day I was beginning my travels to the games and a trip made possible by a multitude of people. So, my CrossFit family for providing my flights, Chernside Park CrossFit. My family looking after my daughter, my 10 year old daughter, friends helping out with school drop offs, pickups, and then obviously the wider CrossFit family from Canada, Rog and Steph for providing me a place to stay and also the services of them being a doctor and nurse practitioner team.

So I literally had a medical team around me 24 7.

Rich: I wanted to touch on that briefly. So because we are also talking about cancer a little bit, do you want to maybe elaborate on why that was important for this particular experience?

Krystal: Yeah, absolutely. So with the current situation I’m in with my health. My my blood tests haven’t been great and even the week before the CrossFit Games, I’ve gone in for treatment and I always have my blood tests a few days before, so they’re ready for my oncologist.

Things weren’t going. Great. My immune system was really suffering. There was a lot of question about, would it actually be safe for me to go? And like, what happens if I get sick? It’s all good and well having travel insurance and, and health insurance, but when you’re in a foreign country and halfway across the world, it’s not as ideal or straightforward as healthier kind of people think.

So thank you to the lovely Roger and Steph, because they literally put their, their knowledge and their experience on the line and said. We will look after you 24 7. You come and stay with us at the ranch. There’ll be some other Aussie judges staying with us and you’ll be on our team anyway for judging, so we will be by your side 24 7 and there’ll be a few other doctors and an oncologist actually at the games who are aware of your situation, so.

Already, before I’d even left the country, I already knew that I had a medical team that were willing to do whatever they needed to do if I went downhill.

Rich: Which is a big deal, I think, also, and it also speaks a little bit to the, I mean, these are Rog and Steph, I think I met them at Torian, and you obviously met them there before that, just a couple of people who love to come and judge CrossFit like you do, but, it’s the Touching on the extended community of CrossFit and people, just supporting one another.

I think that was actually amazing of them to offer that for you. You had a medical staff on standby for when you arrived.

Krystal: So, absolutely huge backstory to getting to Madison after Being told that I’ll be able to go, I’ll have this medical team, everything like that. I flew out of Melbourne to Dallas.

My plane was delayed by an hour, but that’s fine. I got to Dallas and unfortunately the plane that I was supposed to get on to go to Madison, I missed it by mere minutes because we landed late into Dallas. So I was like, Oh, that’s okay. Maybe I’ll go through customs and get kind of, what’s the word,

Rich: Fast tracked.

Krystal: Fast tracked. So I thought maybe I’ll get fast tracked through customs. That wasn’t the po that wasn’t going to be the case. So I literally, it takes like 40 minutes or something to get through customs. Go and collect my bag, go to the check in counter. Yep we’ll just put you on another flight.

It’ll be in like, I don’t know, another four hours or five hours or something. Yep, that’s cool. I’m very much at peace with sitting in an airport. Just people watching, relaxing, whatever. I had not slept. Since I’d left Melbourne or earlier that morning before even boarding. So I I was kind of like trying to stay awake, getting that really sleepy, naughty kind of feeling going on.

And our flight just kept getting delayed and delayed and delayed, got to 11 30 PM that night. And finally the airlines like. You know what? We’re going to cancel this flight for tonight. We’ll reschedule it for the next morning. So, happened to be in the right place at the right time. I don’t know how I do these things, but it’s, I feel really lucky because it seems to happen.

Rich: Dallas is a big airport too. So, like, people who don’t travel to the U. S. much probably don’t have an idea of how big that airport actually is and how being in the right place at the right time. It’s a very big place.

Krystal: Yeah, absolutely. Right. So here I am just standing there listening to this announcement that saying, your flight’s canceled and rather loudly, I guess, complaining going, Oh man, 7 30 tomorrow morning.

Like, what the hell thinking? We’re going to have to go find a hotel now. And, or do we sleep at the airport? What happens? Like, I haven’t had this happen. And I’m in America. Like I’m not even in Australia. And there beside me are three people,

Arielle Loewen, Tommy Marquez and Arielle’s husband, Dillon. So Tommy overhears me and he’s like, Oh, what was that? And I was like, Oh, sorry. I’m just complaining. 7. 30 tomorrow morning. And I didn’t know who this guy was. I didn’t know who Arielle Loewen was. Obviously didn’t know her husband either. And Tommy goes, Oh, Hey, my name’s Tommy and introduces himself to me.

And then I’m like, Oh, this is Tommy Marquez. And then he introduces me to Arielle and her husband. I’m like, oh my goodness, royalty at the airport. Like, this is pretty cool. And. I don’t know why or what happened or whether they felt sorry for me or what it was, but they’re just like, you’re our bestie now, like come with us.

We’ll just stick together. We’ll go get our hotel vouchers and food vouchers, et cetera, and stuff like that. So we just continue on into a different terminal, get these vouchers. We’re all put at the same hotel or Tommy was actually put at a different hotel and we asked the lady serving us if she would change his hotel.

So Tommy and I get a cab to the hotel. I say goodbye to him and we’ll meet up in the morning, he’s going to help me get a cab back to the airport. Arielle decided she’d stay at the airport and just sleep there, hoping to make an earlier flight. Little did I know this was going to be the start of something huge at the CrossFit Games and I’d like to say for life because these people are so beautiful, like absolutely in awe of them, just normal everyday people.

They’re huge, huge names to me. But they are just so normal, like beautiful, beautiful.

Rich: Okay. So at this stage, you’ve been at the airport for how long? 12 hours? Probably longer? Running around Dallas? Quite a while. Anyway, long enough. More than you want to spend in an airport. Especially when you’ve been on a, what, you flew direct to Dallas, right?

From Melbourne. So that’s 15, 16 hours?

Krystal: Yes.

Rich: In the plane and then another 12 hours or so at an airport. So you’re tired, you’ve caught a cab, you’ve met these… These two CrossFitters at the airport, randomly, serendipitously. At this point, do they know much about you? Do they know anything beyond your name, where you come from, and what you’re there for?

Krystal: So obviously I introduced myself and said, I was from Australia and they said, Oh, what are you doing at the CrossFit games? And I explained that I was judging and they kind of were like, Oh, so how long have you been doing CrossFit? And it’s at this stage, I’m kind of like, I don’t often tell everybody about my, my life story.

Always received very well. People kind of get awkward. So, yeah, at this stage I’ve just kind of said, oh, like, so I’m actually coming here to tick off a bucket list item. I’ve got cancer and this is something I’ve been wanting to do. And my, my home gym have enabled me to do this.

So, and they were just like, wow, this is amazing. Like Arielle was just in awe and, and just like, they went quiet, but not in a. Like, I don’t know what to say, kind of quiet, just like, wow, this girl standing in front of us and look at her living life and shooting for the stars, I guess.


Rich: So they, would it be fair to say they kind of took you under their wing a little bit from that point?

Krystal: Yeah, absolutely. Like, I think they’d already taken me under their wing, like, just because I’d like, we have that, I guess, that likeness of CrossFit together and, and, it kind of draws us all together, I guess, when you’re like, Meet like minded people, but I think also them, then knowing that I had cancer and this was a bucket list item, they were kind of invested then, I guess.

So, yeah.


Rich: I know from, from my experience traveling in the U. S. and dropping into CrossFit boxes, primarily in California, but a couple of other places as well, everywhere I go, everyone is super friendly. You think the community is limited to just perhaps the place that you train, if you don’t. Have the experience of traveling to other boxes.

If you do, if you do get that chance, I highly recommend it. Always drop into a box if you’re traveling because it, it just makes, it makes you remember the power of community, but it’s also great to just meet people who are like minded. Everyone’s usually very supportive. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a box in my travels where I’ve walked out and gone, Oh, those people aren’t very nice.

Everyone. is really friendly, really welcoming. I always want to hear your story. Always, always enjoyed my time at various places. So I understand meeting CrossFitters and what a big deal that is. We sort of bond together quickly. Okay. So the next morning you’re back at the airport. What happens next?

Krystal: Yep, Tommy and I got back to the airport. Thank you Tommy for helping me get a cab because I actually didn’t really know what to do or how to do it in America. Like, I’ve had some bad experiences with getting non legit cabs and then getting stuck in them and owing a lot of money kind of thing. So. He saved the day.

So we just kind of, grabbed a coffee and obviously my first American coffee. So I had to ask how to get that as well, just so it wasn’t going to be like something crazy or weird or anything like that. So yeah, we just sat down and then waited for our flight and got a little bit delayed. And then finally we’re on board and we’re kind of like.

Tommy’s telling me about his bad luck at Dallas Fort Worth and how so many of his flights have been cancelled or delayed. And it’s, it’s kind of a curse of the airport for him, but we finally got on board and we made it to Madison and we’d kind of just walked off together as well, still kind of chatting to him, but got to the baggage conveyor and everyone, well, I think was just super relieved because.

It wasn’t just Tommy and I in that situation. And Arielle had actually got an earlier flight with her husband. So she needed to come back to the airport and pick up luggage, but everyone was just overjoyed to have gotten there and safely. And finally it was time for everything to start getting going.

The CrossFit games were going to be starting the next day and it’s amazing.

Rich: Yeah. So at what point did you have the pinch yourself moment?

Krystal: Well, I don’t know. Like, so when I, when I got to the baggage conveyor and was picking up my bags, we call it the Aus-Can family. We had some other Australian judges that I already knew.

And then Roger and Steph from Canada, they all came in as a big family to pick me up. And there’s actually a video of us like all just hugging and being so excited that I’d finally arrived. And, after a bit of an ordeal. And I think at that stage, everything suddenly felt very real. But then I guess the moment after that, the next moment after that was we drove to the stadium, we got to stand on the grass at North park, have a photo, like touch the grass, go.

Holy shit. We are here. Like we’re at the CrossFit Games. This is us. We’re really doing this.

Rich: Yeah. And I’ve seen those photos. They’re very cool.

Krystal: We got kitted out with a uniform and sent on our way and told, when we needed to be back the next morning for day one. And it was such a vibe. I, I should have been ridiculously and extremely tired, I think, but I just, the adrenaline was pumping and I was like, I’m actually here.

Rich: Yeah.

So I think at the airport they have signs,

right? I think I’ve seen a few people and maybe then you posted a couple of photos of like themselves at the airport. Like, the welcome to Madison and all of that. So that’s pretty cool. And then you actually get to the, to the arena. All right, let’s backtrack a little bit.

You started CrossFit a year ago, as, as, as we know, a little over a year ago. What is it about judging? Like, why do you, why do you enjoy judging so much, and why did you make this a bucket list item in particular? Like, a lot of people do CrossFit, but not everyone wants to judge. But you do, and you seem to love it, and you’re good at it.

Krystal: Interesting question. I’m not sure what first drew me to judging, obviously after only being at my box for a couple of months, our owners and head coaches, Chris and Vicks were running a, an in house comp and just kind of were like, Hey, do you need volunteers? And I just was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, obviously I’m not RX or intermediate, so I wasn’t going to be competing and I just put my hand up and then so a beautiful athlete at our box.

Jo took me under her wing and kept me with her and we kind of paired like everyone was kind of paired up with other people. And yeah, I just thoroughly enjoyed it. I was like, this is amazing seeing it, seeing the athletes from this point of view, like just trying the absolute hardest, but knowing that there are actual standards that need meeting.

And obviously in house comps are all about the fun and working together and that kind of thing. But obviously you still need to pay attention. Athletes to the standard. So I learned from there and I was like, Hey, that was really cool. Maybe I’d like to do something else. And I don’t know how it came about, but I heard about down under championships and thought, no, well, I’m just going to put an application in and see what happens and was accepted.

And I remember emailing Dan and saying, look, I’ve. I haven’t done any real judging at this level before. What am I supposed to do? And he was like, you’ll be fine. Do your online judges course and, we’ll go from there. There’ll be plenty of people around you to support you. Just, watch the athletes at the gym kind of thing.

And so, yeah, I guess it started there and, and from there it built in. I’ll do Down Under. Oh, now I’ll apply for Torian, but I probably won’t get selected. Got selected. Oh, I think I’ll apply for the CrossFit Games. There’s no way in hell I’m going to get selected. And who’s going to take me on when I’ve got baggage of having cancer?

Like, no one wants to take that on. Such a huge responsibility for anyone.

Rich: That’s interesting. I, I, I guess the local comp would be, would be a good introduction to that. I’ve judged local comps as well. And it is fun because you are responsible for, athletes doing, doing the workout correctly, but it’s also a great vibe and a lot of fun.

And I can imagine like an official sanctioned event, like Down Under would be that like just turned up to 11. I think it would be awesome watching elite athletes at like, like you say, like right in front of them as they do it. I’d never considered that angle before. I guess that would be. Really awesome.

Okay, so you’ve done that, you’ve done your judge’s course, which I’ve done and it’s If you haven’t done the judge’s course yeah, it’s interesting. There’s, it’s, it’s a little more difficult than perhaps you might expect, which is good. Needs to be difficult. You can’t just let any old riffraff on the floor to judge, right?

You’ve got to have at least some skill.

Krystal: And I think, a lot of people especially new athletes to bigger comps, they, they get a little intimidated by the judge. And I think we’re taught, we’re there for the athlete. We’re not there to be against them. Yes, we need to hold them to a standard and they need to meet that standard, but you’re not there to like pull them down or, or make them fail or things like that.

Like you’re on their side, you’re holding them to that standard so that they get those good reps and, and that continues on to the score on the leaderboard and. Yeah. So we’re definitely on an athlete side. It’s definitely not a against kind of situation, but yeah, a lot of the elite athletes, they’re, they’re fantastic.

They, they won’t argue with you when you no-re p them. They’re just like, yep, no worries. Like, wrap them and you’ll tell them what they need to fix. They’re fine with it. They won’t argue with you and you in the elite line anyway. So, hmm,

food for thought.

Rich: And I’ve seen you in first hand at a local comp because I was loading, I think, in the, in the area you were, you were doing.

The bunny brawl, that was a great comp. I was loading and, and kind of helping out judging there. And as well as judging, you’re very encouraging of the athletes. I’ve noticed, like, you, you sort of, not coaching them so much, but sort of just encouraging them, maybe one more rep here and stuff like that.

And. I don’t know if you get a chance to do that with the elites or maybe you do. I don’t know. Tell me about it. Like when you meet an elite athlete, you introduce yourself, obviously. Do you find yourself interacting with them throughout the workout or just, are you just laser focused on what they’re doing?

Krystal: Okay. So when I did Down Under, I very politely got spoken to about decreasing my encouragement of the athletes because I was so excited and, and. First big comp. And I was like, yeah, I just want this person to do so well. And unfortunately, as a judge, you have to really stay focused and professional.

And you can actually encourage any of the athletes, no matter how much you want to, because it can be perceived as you’re coaching them. And therefore it’s unfair on the athletes whose judges aren’t doing that. So, absolutely. You just have to say, in house comps, I guess, are a little bit different.

You can kind of do a little bit of encouraging, but it’s absolutely not something that should be encouraged. And as I said, like I politely, politely got spoken to it, wasn’t in trouble by any means, but it was absolutely a learning curve for me. And, and something I’ve definitely had to focus on more to make sure that it’s, no, one’s going to be seen to be getting something better or having been judged.

favouring them because, there’d be nothing worse than that. Also in saying that though, if you get an athlete that you know, it is very highly encouraged to swap lanes with another judge just so that there’s no, benefits to that or benefits seen from that. So.

Rich: You mean that, personally, so if you were, you were finding yourself judging Arielle Loewen, you would have had to probably change lanes, for example.

Krystal: Yeah, absolutely. Because it becomes a conflict of interest. So yeah, I am going to, sorry, going back to your question about meeting athletes. A lot of the newer athletes coming in that haven’t done a lot of competing, they’re quite nervous and they’re very focused on what they’re doing and not saying the elites aren’t focused, but.

They’ve done so many competitions and they’re so friendly. They’ll come in and do a fist pump. They’ll introduce themselves or, give you a handshake and stuff and ask your name. And then, as judges, we can say, any questions, reiterate some of the things that they need to take note of kind of thing.

Like, don’t touch the monitor when you get on the bike, like don’t push anything. There, there will be people to do that for you kind of thing. So it’s amazing. Like they’re just ordinary everyday people and huge, huge names, obviously. And in Australia, I feel like we hold them so high, but they are at the end of the day, everyday people, and they’re very happy to.

Say hi, and they’ll often thank you as well.

Rich: Yeah, it’s interesting that you say that. I’ll go off on a bit of a tangent for a second. I, in my job, I work at a company where I get to meet a lot of very big and well known people in the field that I work in. And when you do meet those people and you realize that they’re just like you, I think that’s, that’s a good thing.

And they’re just regular people and they’re always just going about their day like you are. Once you. Break down the, the barrier between people and you can relate to people at a human level. I think that’s, that’s really cool. And I think that’s a good thing that happens. I like CrossFit obviously is what you’re describing at the moment.

Like you just meet big people who are just there to do what they love and you’re there to help them. And they appreciate you, you appreciate them. You can, you can relate to them on a more human level and I think that, that’s quite a good thing. All right, so we’ve talked a little bit about the judging process.

You want to run over the events that you actually wound up judging on, on which day. So six days total worth of judging. You want to go over Perhaps just your schedule. So what’s it, what a typical day is you get up at what time you’ve got to be there for a briefing and so on. Like people don’t know this stuff.

I think they think judges might just turn up, judge and go home and have pizza and beer and do it again the next day. But it’s a bit more involved than that, right?

Oh yeah. The very long days. So day one to three, I was I’ll step back a bit. I was supposed to do one day on one day off and that’s the schedule I’d chosen so that I didn’t fatigue too much because with my cancer and and where I’m at at the moment I get very fatigued and burnt out and the last thing I wanted to do was get so burnt out that I, couldn’t really function properly and I’d need medical intervention.

So. I chose that kind of schedule, but then I changed it as I went because I was feeling really great, but so for the games we would be getting up at five o’clock leaving at about 10 to six from the ranch, driving into Starbucks, grab a coffee, go to the stadium. We had a really cool briefing room that all the judges sat in.

So generally that would be your having breakfast and getting your briefing started at six 30 in the morning. So early day, early mornings, throughout the day, obviously we’d go out to do events and we’d have more briefing outside on North Park if we were doing an outside event, so there’d be a run through of the event, any questions people needed to ask, then the event would roll.

And then we’d go and do briefings for other events, go to wherever they were being held, go through that. Throughout the day, we were really lucky and we were given, adequate breaks. There were snacks fruits, drinks, that kind of thing, but most of the days would run until like eight o’clock at night.

So we were having dinner there as well. By the time you leave the briefing room. Drive back to the ranch. It’s like nine o’clock. Cause if people want to stop to get more dinner or something, we weren’t getting to bed probably until 10, everyone needs a shower. There were quite a lot of us and just.

Literally get four to five hours of sleep kind of thing, because you wouldn’t always go to sleep at 10 o’clock. You’re pretty

wired from the day and everything that had just happened.

Yeah. And when you’re in share accommodation, like you don’t have a private room, so it’s not quiet. You can’t just go, Oh, Hey everyone, I’m going to bed.

Good night. And you’ve got things to talk about debriefing to do with each other. And so, yeah, we’re rolling in our days. We’re kind of like that quite consistently, but I felt really good after the first day and decided not to have the second day off. And actually. Judge again. So day one to three was masters adaptive and age groups.

And then day four to six was teams and Indies. So unfortunately none of us Australians or Canadians got to do Indies. That’s just done by seminar staff. So those guys will always do the elites and everyone else will just kind of roam around and do the other events and what’s needed. just wherever you need it.

Your team lead will just kind of tell you this is what we’re doing today.

So how do they allocate you to an event? Is it just like you turn up in the morning and they just say, all right, this team and like your team of however many people, how many people are on your team? About 10? Like 20. 20 people.

So they just pick a team. What’d you call yourself?

We’re team, we were on team Alpha.

Team Alpha, okay. Of course you were. Team 18. The 18. So they just say, right, so they just say, today you’re judging this event at this time and does it go down the list or is it sort of like, well we need a really good team on this event, we need team Alpha to judge.

I imagine there’s hundreds of judges there, right?

Yeah, yeah, there are actually like they, I think they said there was a thousand people on the waiting list wanting to volunteer at the CrossFit Games and, but not enough positions. So, even extra lucky for me in particular, but as for the allocation of the events for each team, there were four teams, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta.

There, I don’t know how they allocate that. That’s. further up the chain than I was privy to. Even our team leads, I don’t know that they would know how it was allocated. I guess each night they were told, right, these are the events you’re doing tomorrow or your team is covering tomorrow. Rotate where you can, if there was only 10 lanes operating.

It’s not that you only need 10 people, but you’d need 10 people say at the start and then you might use your other 10 judges or combine teams and use 40 people at different stations so that each. Part of a, an event was judged. I know the very first event we did was a snatch and clean and jerk your best one RM.

And so I was the judge actually judging the movement. And then I had another guy who was the flip card guy. So he was doing the flip chart and also helping to calculate the weights because little did I know, and I should have probably done my homework is that Americans work in pounds. And I work in kilos, I know the conversion, but I wasn’t very confident in doing the conversion, like on the fly.

So that was definitely a bit of a funny kind of scenario to throw me into. You

definitely don’t want to get that wrong heat of competition in the middle of the floor with, thousands of people watching you and be that jump that gets called out for not getting the conversion right.

Yeah, it’s interesting at Torian we had a cause obviously even though it’s in Australia CrossFit is in pounds and everything was, was weighed in pounds and they would call out who was lifting whatever in, in pounds. And I was sitting in the stands with someone else from our box and she had a little app on her phone so she could convert it for us.

So obviously you can’t have your phone on the floor while you’re judging, but it would be very handy just to have like a little conversion scale or something because yeah, I mean, kilos seems so sensible because everything’s like units of 10 and five and. Pounds is just, it’s every time I go to a gym in America, I’m like, what?

220 pounds. Yeah. It takes a little while to figure out like it’s, it’s close, but it’s not exact. So you can’t pick up a 45 kilo plate and go, Oh, this is 20 kilos. Cause it’s not, but it’s close, but it’s not,

Krystal: Yeah. Right. And I didn’t know what the bars weighed either, obviously they’re in pounds and time constraints, like it was kind of like three minutes for your best snatch attempt three minutes for your best cleaner jerk.

And I’m like, so. The athletes would tell us what they were going to start at and we would load their bar for their first snatch, but then they needed to be changing their weights themselves. And with so many people from different countries and, and Americans being the only ones who use pounds, a lot didn’t even know how to convert.

And I’m like, Oh, like I was a little stressed. Cause I’m like, I don’t know how to convert this that quickly. I can’t just, put my hand up and wait for one of the head judges to come over and help me. So, yeah, it was a little bit tricky, but. lesson learned. And I think next time I do judge at an event where they use just pounds, I’ll be taking a calculator.

Rich: Yeah. It’s interesting. CrossFit. If you’re listening, maybe it’s time to switch to kilos. Yeah. The rest of the world will thank you. I’m sure CrossFit isn’t listening, but if they are, I’m sure they’ll pay attention to me. Just some random guy from Australia who thinks that we should just change the way we measure everything.

Krystal: Dave Castro bottles. Come

Rich: on. Yeah, no, no, you’ve got connections now and just get, just get a word in Tommy’s ear and he can, he can get it today for us.

Krystal: Okay, guys, that’s where we’ll leave the recap of my adventures in Madison for this episode. We’ve covered a lot, but we do need to wrap it up so we can get busy working on part two. Today we covered off on our birthdays and the party, my travel to the US, meeting some serious superstars in Dallas Fort Worth airport, and some differences experienced at the games versus local box comps regarding judging and weights and that kind of thing.

So the next episode we’ll cover what happened as the games really began to get underway. Some events that took place of a personal nature and answer some listener questions. Check us out on our website, cancerandcrossfit. com. You’ll find some episode notes, transcripts, as well as some other resources.

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